lil-gui › Examples
Bezier Controller

Bezier Controller

This example demonstrates how to create a controller that targets a non-primitive value, like an array. It assumes you've read Multiline Controller, which covers the basics of controller creation.

This controller modifies cubic bezier curves—the kind you use for easing. The controller isn't responsible for any bezier math (we import a library for that). It just provides a useful interface for changing the 4 numbers that describe the curve.

This page:
import GUI from 'lil-gui';
import './BezierController.js';

import CubicBezier from '';

const obj = {
	curve: [ .85, .05, .10, .95 ]

let easing;

function updateCurve() {
	easing = new CubicBezier( ...obj.curve );

const preview = document.getElementById( 'preview' );

function animate() {

	requestAnimationFrame( animate );

	const time = / 2500;

	let val = easing( time % 1 );
	if ( Math.floor( time ) % 2 === 0 ) {
		val -= 1;
	} = `translateX( ${val * 100}% )`;


const gui = new GUI();

// "addBezier" is defined by our custom controller.
const controller = gui.addBezier( obj, 'curve' ).onChange( updateCurve );


// Make sure the controller works with lil-gui's built-in methods:

const tester = {
	save()    { tester.saved =; },
	load()    { gui.load( tester.saved ); },
	disable() { controller.disable( !controller._disabled ); }

gui.add( tester, 'save' );
gui.add( tester, 'load' );
gui.add( tester, 'disable' );

gui.onChange( () => console.log( 'onChange' ) );
gui.onFinishChange( () => console.log( 'onFinishChange' ) );
import CustomController from 'lil-gui/extras/CustomController.js';

export default class BezierController extends CustomController {

	$constructor() {

		const svgNS = '';

		this.svg = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'svg' );
		this.path = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'path' );
		this.line1 = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'line' );
		this.line2 = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'line' );
		this.handle1 = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'circle' );
		this.handle2 = document.createElementNS( svgNS, 'circle' );

		this.svg.setAttribute( 'viewBox', '0 0 1 1' );

		this.handle1.setAttribute( 'r', 0.05 );
		this.handle2.setAttribute( 'r', 0.05 );

		this.line1.setAttribute( 'x1', 0 );
		this.line1.setAttribute( 'y1', 0 );

		this.line2.setAttribute( 'x1', 1 );
		this.line2.setAttribute( 'y1', 1 );


		this.$widget.appendChild( this.svg );

		this.makeDraggable( this.handle1, ( x, y ) => {

			this.$value[ 0 ] = x;
			this.$value[ 1 ] = y;

		} );

		this.makeDraggable( this.handle2, ( x, y ) => {

			this.$value[ 2 ] = x;
			this.$value[ 3 ] = y;

		} );


	$updateDisplay() {

		const [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = this.$value;

		// Position the control point handles.
		this.handle1.setAttribute( 'cx', x1 );
		this.handle1.setAttribute( 'cy', y1 );

		this.handle2.setAttribute( 'cx', x2 );
		this.handle2.setAttribute( 'cy', y2 );

		// Update the lines that connect them to the corner.
		this.line1.setAttribute( 'x2', x1 );
		this.line1.setAttribute( 'y2', y1 );

		this.line2.setAttribute( 'x2', x2 );
		this.line2.setAttribute( 'y2', y2 );

		// Draw a bezier curve using the d attribute of the <path> element.
		this.path.setAttribute( 'd', `M 0 0 C ${x1} ${y1}, ${x2} ${y2}, 1 1` );


	// todo
	$copy( a, b ) {
		a[ 0 ] = b[ 0 ];
		a[ 1 ] = b[ 1 ];
		a[ 2 ] = b[ 2 ];
		a[ 3 ] = b[ 3 ];

	// todo
	$compare( a, b ) {
		for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
			if ( a[ i ] !== b[ i ] ) return false;
		return true;

	makeDraggable( handle, setter ) {

		const clamp = x => Math.min( Math.max( 0, x ), 1 );

		const inverseLerp = ( t, a, b ) => ( t - a ) / ( b - a );

		handle.addEventListener( 'mousedown', () => {
			window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove );
			window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp );
		} );

		const onMouseMove = e => {


			const rect = this.svg.getBoundingClientRect();

			const x = inverseLerp( e.clientX, rect.left, rect.right );
			const y = inverseLerp( e.clientY, rect.bottom, );

			// This lets either handle do something different with x and y.
			setter( clamp( x ), clamp( y ) );


		const onMouseUp = () => {


			window.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove );
			window.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp );




// todo
BezierController.$id = 'Bezier';

// todo
BezierController.$style = `
.lil-gui .controller.Bezier svg {
	width: 100%;
	background-color: var(--widget-color);
	border-radius: var(--widget-border-radius);
	/* flip coordinates so that up is positive */
	transform: scaleY(-1);

.lil-gui .controller.Bezier svg * { 
	/* let us use a tiny viewbox without huge strokes */
	vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;

.lil-gui .controller.Bezier path {
	stroke: var(--number-color);
	stroke-width: 2px;
	fill: none;

.lil-gui .controller.Bezier line {
	stroke: var(--focus-color);
	stroke-width: 1px;

.lil-gui .controller.Bezier circle {
	fill: var(--text-color);
	cursor: pointer;

CustomController.register( BezierController );